About Us

Who we are

What is We R Tutors?
We R Tutors is a tutoring company that has been dedicated to educational assistance for over 6 years, offering a range of services to support students' academic success.

We provide one-on-one tutoring services for primary, secondary and tertiary school students, We offer this one-on-one tutoring service in the comfort of the student's home, virtually over video chat.

We conduct subject-based workshops to enhance academic performance, and offer "how to study" workshops to help students develop effective study habits and methods.
Why choose us?
Our team is committed to equipping students with the necessary tools and knowledge to excel in their studies.

Our tutors are experienced professionals who have a passion for education and empowering the youth through education.

At our company, we focus on empowering students to perform well in exams
and assessments by providing personalized study materials, one-on-one assistance, and comprehensive support through our exam workshops.

Our ultimate mission is to ensure that students are fully prepared
and supported to achieve their academic goals and more.
Our services
  • Face-to-face/online tutoring
  • Group tutoring sessions
  • Test preparation
  • Homework help
  • Academic coaching
  • Subject-specific tutoring
  • University application
    assistance & NBT prep
  • Study skills workshops
  • Specialized exam
    preparation courses
  • Matric Rewrite Assistance
We R Tutors
Everything Education
© 2024
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