
What others say

Nomsebenzi Malele
My daughter used to get 30% or less in maths, but now I'm so proud to announce that she got 65%...I am recommending We R Tutors to everyone!
Zipho Mbambo
We R Tutors has really helped me with improving my mathematics. It has really been a good experience. I really recommend them if you want to improve in any subject
Arina Makumule
Ever since I joined the We R Tutors family, I've been improving well in Afrikaans & English...My tutor is always there when I need him
Nokukhanya Kunene
My experience with We R Tutors has been the best! They took me from an average mark to a good pass. You join because they are really good
Keamogetswe Kunene
Kids find sessions enjoyable, my daughter always looked forward to her sessions. I definitely recommend it to all working parents
Unarine Makumule
I've been with them for almost a year nowand my marks have really improved.My tutor is always available at any time, any day!
Janet Gwija
We have had a great experience in terms of getting feedback from the tutor and getting a progress report
Ayola Gwija
I’ve enjoyed my experience, especially with my tutor, we’ve built a very friendly relationship
Christina Maluleke
I am very happy to be part of the We R Tutors family, life has been easy having a tutor for my 2 kids
Althea Seopsengwe
To my amazement and gratitude, We R Tutors have helped my daughter to achieve more of her goals
Tsholo Seopsengwe
I’ve really enjoyed it. They’ve helped me a lot especially with Physics & Life Sciences
Client Review #5
The services We R Tutors are providing are absolutely amazing, especially for parents like myself who don’t have time
Cliet Review #4
My tutor doesn't make sessions feel like school work, he makes them fun!
Angel & Oratile
We both found it very helpful, they gave us everything we need
I was part of the workshop program, and I really enjoyed it
They've helped me realize how much I need to study, their workshop really helped me!
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what other clients think
Client Testimonials
Grade 8
Super professional group, they really put effort trailering my experience to the needs I required.
Grade 12
My Tutors has helped realise how much work I actually need to put in. Very good service!
Grade 11
My tutor makes lessons fun learning with a tutor like him is such a vibe you could say.
Grade 8
Thank you to Abigail and Sabrina for helping me with Math and Afrikaans
from our tutors
Tutors Testimonials
Tutor in Centurion
Super professional group, they really put effort trailering my experience to the needs I required.
Tutor in Midrand
Always super helpful and kind. Very good service
Tutor in Sandton
You always a good service with We R Tutors. I'm looking forward to see how they grow
We R Tutors
Everything Education
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