Become a Tutor

Help students succeed

join us & make an impact
Why Join Our Team?
At We R Tutors, we offer a rewarding opportunity for tutors to join a dynamic team dedicated to empowering students. We are seeking passionate individuals who are committed to making a positive impact on students' academic journeys.

Our ideal tutors are not only knowledgeable in their subjects but also possess strong communication skills and a genuine desire to help students succeed.

At We R Tutors, we go the extra mile to ensure our newly joined tutors receive comprehensive training, leaving them feeling confident and well-prepared. We understand that starting a new role can be daunting, which is why we provide extensive support and resources to guide our tutors every step of the way.

Rest assured, at We R Tutors, you'll have all the tools and assistance you need to excel in your role and make a meaningful difference in students' lives. Join us to be part of a supportive community that values education and growth!
our requirements
What do I need to apply?
  • Great marks:
75% or more on your matric certificate for the subject you would like to tutor
  • 18 years or older
  • Great work ethic
  • Passion for education:
If you study/studied education please include this in your academic record uploads
  • Supporting documentation:
e.g. tertiary academic record or qualification, this is optional but influential in being considered for certain
tutoring opportunities
By joining us, you can earn a monthly income of R800-1600 per student!
get started
Sign Up Form
Tutor in Centurion
Super professional group, they really put effort trailering my experience to the needs I required.
Tutor in Midrand
Always super helpful and kind. Very good service
Tutor in Sandton
You always a good service with We R Tutors. I'm looking forward to see how they grow
We R Tutors
Everything Education
© 2024
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